Folk remedies for alcoholism and hangovers
- Products review
- 02/08/2021
As you know, the love of drinking is a fairly common phenomenon. Alcohol in a small amount significantly increases self-confidence and mood, makes a person more sociable and relaxed. Drinking a glass of beer or wine does not threaten instant cirrhosis and ulcers. And large-scale feasts (if, of course, they do not occur every week) will not have a serious negative impact on a healthy body in the long term. However, if one person can drink moderately and from time to time, then another person's Friday glass risks turning into alcoholism.
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How to quickly get rid of a hangover at home?
A hangover is a natural consequence of alcohol intoxication. In different people, it can occur in different forms, but most often, the symptoms are headache, nausea or vomiting, drowsiness, muscle weakness and dehydration. Often, this can be added to stomach pain, swelling, tachycardia, as well as emotional symptoms: a feeling of emptiness and longing, irritability or anxiety.
In order to get rid of the depressing condition as soon as possible and not create additional risks, you should follow fairly simple recommendations.
First of all, you need to help the body as quickly as possible to remove the metabolites of ethanol, which are the cause of poor health after alcoholic libations. To do this, it is recommended to drink as much liquid as possible, regular or mineral water is suitable, but herbal teas and infusions will help more effectively.
1. Don't cure yourself from a hangover. First, if you do not have an alcohol addiction, an additional portion of ethanol will definitely not improve, and probably even worsen the overall condition. Secondly, the lack of aversion to alcohol with symptoms of intoxication indicates a serious risk of alcoholism, and you probably would not like to bring it to this.
2. it is Advisable not to take medication painkillers, they will create an additional load on the stomach and liver, the work of which is already upset. Instead, it is better to use proven herbal remedies.
3. it is Important to have a healthy breakfast. Avoid heavy and difficult to digest dishes, a good solution is a light vegetable salad with oil dressing, meat broth, scrambled eggs or porridge. It is better to replace coffee with milder folk energy drinks: green tea with mint, chicory, magnolia-vine or ginseng infusion.
Natural hangover remedies
There are no 100% effective ways to quickly and effectively treat alcohol intoxication, however, many natural remedies have valuable properties for fighting hangovers.
1. Ivan-tea is known for accelerating the elimination of dangerous substances remaining after the breakdown of ethanol, and normalizes the body's water-salt balance.
2. Rosehip Berries help restore normal activity of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves puffiness, tones the nervous system, and also have choleretic properties. Rosehip contains a lot of vitamin C, which is actively washed out by alcohol.
3. Ginseng Root, Eleutherococcus and Golden root help to quickly restore performance after an alcoholic feast, relieve drowsiness, confusion and headache.
4. Milk Thistle activates the liver enzymes and reduces the load on it, improves metabolism, promotes rapid detoxification of the body.
5. Adonis helps calm the heart rate, restores normal blood pressure, improves blood circulation, relieves headaches, swelling and spasms.
6. Tansy, Wormwood and Horsetail accelerate detoxification, stimulate the kidneys and are good diuretics.
7. Ginger Root – one of the best antiemetics, also has a tonic effect and helps to cope with headaches. The effectiveness will increase if you add crushed ginger to green tea or Ivan tea.
8. Fennel, Dill and Turmeric Seeds are also popular and effective herbal remedies for nausea, their use has a beneficial effect on digestion.
9. Knotweed is effective for stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea.
10. Willow Bark – a natural mild anesthetic, will help to cope with headaches without taking medications; willow also improves blood circulation.
11. Mint and lemon balm restore digestion, relieve inflammation of the mucous membranes and stomach cramps, have a slight analgesic effect, help to get rid of heartburn and severe thirst. They also relieve hangover anxiety and help you relax.
12. Chamomile is a well-known sedative herbal medicine that stabilizes the emotional background and eliminates nervous tension. Chamomile is also a natural analgesic, and has an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect.
Recipes for medicinal fees and drinks for a hangover
Ivan tea with mint and thyme. Add a pinch of mint and thyme to the Ivan tea, pour boiling water and insist for about 20 minutes. The drink accelerates detoxification, has a good relaxing effect, improves overall health, reduces nausea and stomach discomfort.
Anti-Hooch "Bloody Mary". ½ tsp Fennel seeds, ½ tsp Ginger Root, ½ tsp Turmeric pour 350-400 ml. tomato juice, stirring, heat over a low heat or use a blender. At the end, add 30-40 ml. lemon juice, chopped parsley, black pepper and salt to taste. The drink invigorates, relieves nausea, relieves headaches and thirst. Do not take in the presence of severe vomiting and abdominal pain.
Rosehip and willow bark tea. 10 grams of crushed rosehip berries and willow bark pour a glass of hot water, insist for 15 minutes. The drink invigorates, relieves headaches and helps to clear the body of toxic substances.
Natural remedies for alcoholism and drunkenness
1. It is important to understand that alcoholism is primarily a psychological problem. As long as the person himself does not desire to get rid of the addiction, it will not be completely cured either by folk remedies or with the help of official medicine. However, medicinal herbs can relieve the patient's condition, help them cope with dependence, withdrawal syndrome, and improve their physical and psychological condition.
2. Cleansing the body and reducing cravings for booze. Infusions or decoctions of wormwood, thyme, tansy and yarrow will help. The plant stimulates the liver, has choleretic properties, and are powerful detoxifiers. Elecampane root accelerates the cleansing of blood and stabilizes the General condition. Ivan tea (kiprei) is also effective, it has a restorative effect on the body and is known for its diuretic effect.
3. Recovery of the liver. Milk Thistle is a hepatoprotector, promotes the regeneration of cells and tissues of the organ, prevents the destructive effects of alcohol, helps with cirrhosis and inflammatory processes. Cumin, immortelle and rosehip will help restore liver function and prevent the development of hepatitis.
4. Restoration of the gastrointestinal tract. Centaury stimulates the flow of bile, normalizes digestion and cleanses the gastrointestinal tract. Calamus root is effective for gastritis, compensates for the negative effect of ethanol on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, and improves appetite.
5. Stabilize mood and relieve nervous tension. Abstinence from alcohol often causes apathy, depression, anxiety, and aggression. As a sedative, it is recommended to use herbal remedies from motherwort, mint and chamomile. St. John's wort is highly effective for normalizing the emotional background.
6. Prevention of possible stress. Often, drinking becomes the only way to help a person licked with stress. During treatment for alcoholism, it is important to minimize the possibility of severe negative experiences. Adaptogenic agents will help you do this: ginseng root, Eleutherococcus, aralia. Adaptogens also facilitate overall well-being, tone the nervous system and help the body to quickly adjust to a non-alcoholic mood.
From vegetable raw materials, prepared decoctions or infusions (the main thing - not alcohol), various herbs can be combined to increase the spectrum of action. There are also pre-assembled herbal remedies that are useful for facilitating recovery from alcoholism, for example, a monastery collection of 16 herbs.
Folk remedies show high effectiveness in combating hangover symptoms, natural preparations contain a large amount of micronutrients, are useful for the body, have a minimum number of contraindications, are easy to prepare and use. For the treatment of alcohol dependence, it is best to seek medical help or, in any case, get a doctor's advice. However, herbal remedies can be a good help to solve this problem.