Valeriana root

Valeriana root

Form: cutted
Origin: Altai
Year: 2021


Perennial rhizomatous herb with fibrous roots and upright cylindrical stem. Leaves opposite, imparipinnatе, with ovate-lanceolate leaflets, lower petiolate, upper sessile; occasionally basal, and lower stem — whole. The flowers are small, irregular, pinkish-white, fragrant, collected in a large corymbose inflorescence. Fruits-small achenes with a feathery tuft, pubescent or completely naked. Rhizomes and roots have a characteristic smell and taste. Height 60 – 150 cm.

The part used. Rhizomes and fibrous thin roots.

Chemical composition

Rhizomes and roots contain essential Valerian oil (0.5-2%), Valerian, acetic, formic, malic, stearic, palmitic and other organic acids, Valerian alkaloids: hatinin, Valerian glucoside, volatile bases, tannins, sugars. The active substance of the plant is essential Valerian oil, consisting of bornilizalerianat (Valerian borneol ether), isovaleric acid, borneol, 1-myrtenol, 1-camphene, a-pinene, d-terpene and other substances and has a peculiar smell. The active substances of the plant also include alkaloids and the substance perryl-a-methylketone found in it.


Valerian as a medicinal plant was known in ancient times. It has long been used in Russia; industrial collection of plants for hospitals began under Peter I. In the XVIII century, Valerian was already considered one of the most important medicines. Peculiar folk names (Maun-grass, cat root, cat grass) the plant received due to its strong stimulating effect on cats. Valerian has a calming effect on the excited nervous system and has an anticonvulsant and anti-spasmodic (spasmolytic) effect. Folk medicine also considers Valerian a carminative, anti-leafy and digestive aid. Research has shown that the plant increases the processes of inhibition in the cerebral cortex, reduces reflex excitability and relaxes spasms of smooth muscles.

In folk and scientific medicine, water infusion and alcohol tincture of rhizomes and roots are used as a sedative for nervous excitement, insomnia, asthma, palpitations, convulsions, spasms, hysteria, neuroses of the cardiovascular system, accompanied by pain and spasms of the coronary vessels, nervous diseases of the stomach and intestines, neurodermatitis (skin diseases on the nervous soil) and other nervous diseases.

In folk medicine, Valerian infusion is also used for headaches on the nervous system and for inflammation of the sciatic nerve (sciatica). It is clinically revealed that Valerian is an effective remedy for increased activity of the thyroid gland. Patients stopped painful heartbeats, greatly reduced nervous excitability and improved overall health. Valerian cannot be used for a long time and in large quantities. In such cases, it is depressing effect on the digestive organs, causes headache, nausea, excited state and violates the activity of the heart. The plant is part of the sedative, stomachic, carminative fees and the preparation cardiovalena.

Method of application

1. 1 tablespoon of dry rhizomes and Valerian roots infuse for 12 hours in a closed container in 1 сup of cooled boiled water, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals.

2. 1 teaspoon of rhizomes and roots to insist 24 hours in a closed container in 1 сup of cooled boiled water, strain. Take at night for insomnia.

3. Prepare an alcohol tincture: for 1 part of the rhizomes and roots of Valerian, take 5 parts of 70% alcohol or vodka, infuse for a week, strain. Take 15-20 drops 3-4 times a day. The infusion should be stored in a dark place.

4. Valerian root powder take 1 g 3 times a day.

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