Orthilia secunda - unique herb for women's health
Orthilia secunda - unique herb for women's health

Orthilia secunda - unique herb for women's health

The Orthilia Secunda is a perennial and herbaceous plant. The distribution area is located in the Northern part of the planet. The medicinal properties of this plant have been known since Ancient Russia. References to it are found in special encyclopaedias of that time, as well as in myths and legends. Orthilia is recognized as a female plant, in the old days it was depicted together with a female image. It was originally used as a panacea for infertility. It was collected depending on the lunar phase. But in other ethnic groups, this plant does not relate to medicine in any way. Alaskans use grass as food and for brewing tea drinks. It was Eastern medicine that appreciated the healing properties of orthilia.

As mentioned above, Orthilia Secunda is common in European regions of Russia, the far East and the Caucasus region. The plant has also been seen in Europe, the United States, and Canada. The Orthilia is a one-sided lover of woodlands, meadows, swamps and tundra. It grows well in dark and rather cool regions.

The shoots of the hog uterus are small in size (from five to twenty-five centimeters), and the root, on the contrary, is long and spreading. The leaves have a rounded shape (up to eight millimeters). The flowers are green and white in hue, reminiscent of bells.

As a medicine, it is the upper part of the plant that is used, mainly the leaves. The root is not considered healing. The collection is carried out in early summer (June), but depends on weather conditions. To properly dry the herbs, you need to spread it out in a thin way, turn it over regularly. It is advisable to avoid the sun's rays, but fresh air must be present. The dried vegetation is stored for about two years.

It is known that Altai healers collected Orthilia at full moon. Therefore, the herb is often attributed a medical and mystical significance.

Health benefits of the One-sided-wintergreen:

- diuretic;

- against tumors;

- treatment of infected wounds;

- maintaining immunity;

- expectorant;

- a tool for pain relief;

- relieving spasms;

- hormonal agent;

- rejuvenation;

- normalization of pressure;

- prevention of heart and blood vessels.

The chemical composition of the plant also has its own characteristics. It includes progesterone and estrogen, which regulate a woman's health, and in particular the reproductive system. A decrease in natural progesterone leads to a low probability of conception, to painful menstruation, and during pregnancy there are threats of termination. The strogen helps to alleviate the symptoms of menopause, both physically and psychologically. Also Serrated-wintergreen contains large amounts of vitamin C and other useful microelements.

The Orthilia Secunda is prescribed for various diseases, most often associated with women's health, but not always. These diseases include: fibroids and uterine tumors, endometriosis, adhesions, infertility and cysts, erosion and thrush, various inflammatory processes in the uterus and fallopian tubes, hormonal failures, amenorrhea, irregular menstrual cycle, menopause, premenstrual syndrome, and so on. The Sidebells wintergreen is used in endocrinology (therapy of the thyroid gland and diabetes mellitus), urology (cystitis, inflammation of the urinary system), gastroenterology (treatment of hemorrhoids and gall bladder, prevention of liver function).

Methods of usage of the Orthilia

The Orthilia can be safely purchased at the pharmacy in various medicinal forms, since the medicinal effect of the plant is not due to the form, but to the dosage and duration of use. Dry product can also be purchased at pharmacies, it should be brewed yourself. It is used for making both alcohol-containing and oil-based tinctures, decoctions and tea drinks.

In the form of tablets, Orthilia is also available, but in dry form. In such drugs, in addition to Orthilia, other medicinal herbs are added to enhance the effect. The plant is as a medical treatment refers to the biological additives. Therapy can last about four months. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to combine the Orthilia with such plants as king's-cure, umbellate wintergreen, red brush root (Rhodiola quadriplegic).

Tincture of Orthilia on alcohol is popular for the treatment of many ailments. The bottle usually contains fifty millilitres. The tincture is necessarily diluted with water; the maximum dosage is thirty-five drops, but no more than three times a day. Such therapy should be prescribed by the consulting physician to avoid overdose and consequences.

The tea of Orthilia Secunda is famous for its healing properties. Often, green tea and other inflorescences are added to this tea. Tea drink has a therapeutic and preventive character. It is consumed daily once, preferably in the evening. Usually tea is sold in bags, which are brewed, pre - allowed to infuse.

The Orthilia in the form of syrup has an average volume of two hundred and fifty milliliters. This form of release is contraindicated for diabetics, since it contains sugar. It is consumed three times a day for thirty minutes before eating (one tsp). The course of treatment is long.

A candles by Orthilia with the addition of castor oil are used for diseases of the reproductive system (cystitis).

The principle of preparing a product from Orthilia involves the use of often dry grass. It can be used to prepare tinctures, decoctions, alcohol-containing infusions, teas, and so on. There are many recipes, the most popular are considered:

Recipe for alcohol tincture:

- use five hundred milliliters of alcohol (vodka) and three tablespoons of herbs in a dry form;

- infuse for three weeks in a dark place;

- shake the tincture container regularly.

It is necessary to filter the tincture before taking it and use in a small dose (fifteen drops twice or three times a day) for prevention.


- A one tsp of dry grass is filled with a cup of boiling water;

- using a water bath, the broth rests for five minutes;

- infuse for thirty minutes;

- filtration.

The decoction is taken inside the body three times a day. It can also be used as an antiseptic, as it perfectly heals cuts, wounds, and so on. The broth is stored in a cold place, and consumed for two days.

Infusion prepared in a thermos

- put two tablespoons of the mixture in the thermos;

- fill everything with two cups of boiled water;

- infuse for two hours;

- filter;

- pour into another container (preferably glass).

The infusion is recommended to keep in the refrigerator for no more than three days.


1. allergic reactions to the plant;

2. gastritis and other stomach problems;

3. diseases associated with non-coagulability of blood;

4. the presence of an ectopic pregnancy;

5. pregnancy and lactation;

6. problems with the fallopian tubes (obstruction).

The stomach may react negatively to the hog uterus (heaviness, bloating, heartburn, spasms, and so on). Allergic reactions to this plant are possible, if their symptoms become pronounced, then the use should be canceled as a matter of urgency. It is known that the composition of the Orthilia Secunda includes toxic substances that can provoke serious poisoning due to overdose.

You should adhere to safety measures, and in particular use the drug only after consulting a doctor, follow the dosage and course, stop taking during menstruation, do not combine with other hormonal medications. Also, monitor the entire process, passing periodic tests, if you find side effects or allergies, go to the hospital.