Viburnum berries

Viburnum berries

Guelder rose
Form: air dried
Year: 2021


Shrub with brownish-gray cracked bark. The leaves are opposite, three to five lobes. The flowers are white, with a five-pronged calyx and a five-pronged fused corolla. There are five stamens, a pistil with a lower ovary and a three-part stigma. The flowers are collected in flat cyme. The fruit is an ovoid-globular red drupe with a bitter taste. Height 1.5 – 3 m.

The time of flowering. May-June.

Distribution. It is found in the forest and forest-steppe zones of North Europe and Siberia and in the mountainous areas of the Caucasus, Crimea.

Habitat. It grows in mixed and deciduous forests, mainly along edges, clearings, thickets of shrubs, banks of rivers and lakes. As an decorative plant, it is cultivated in parks and gardens.

The part used. Bark, flowers, and berries.

The time of collection. The bark is collected in spring (April), flowers — in may – June, fruits-in September – October.

Chemical composition

The bark contains the bitter glucoside, tanning materials, phlobaphene, phytocholesterol , phytosterol, myricylic alcohol, resin (up to 6.5%) and organic acids — formic, acetic, isovaleric, Caprine, Caprile, oil, linoleic, cerotinic, palmitic. The fruit contains sugars, tannins (about 3%), organic acids (up to 3%) - isovaleric, acetic and ascorbic acid (vitamin C).


Viburnum bark, flowers and fruits are widely used in folk medicine in various countries. Decoction of the bark reduces and stops various internal bleeding, especially uterine, increases the tone of the uterus, narrows blood vessels and has an anti-spasmodic, anticramping and calming effect. Fruits affect the activity of the heart, increasing the contraction of its muscles, and have diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. Decoction of the bark is taken for colds, coughs, suffocation, scrofula in children and like a hemostatic agent for various internal bleeding, especially in gynecological practice. In folk medicine, a decoction of viburnum bark is used as an anti-spasmodic and calming agent for hysteria and cramps.

A decoction of the" berries» of viburnum with honey, taken in a warm form, gives good results for continuous cold coughs, cold fevers, indigestion, dropsy, and especially for continuous hoarseness of the voice. The infusion or decoction of "berries" is used inside and for ulcers of the stomach, intestines, as well as for boils, carbuncles, atopic dermatitis and various ulcers. Juice" berries» of viburnum with honey in folk medicine in the past was taken for cancer. The juice of "berries" with honey is also used for liver diseases and jaundice. "Berries" of viburnum are part of vitamin collections. Decoction of young shoots is drunk for protracted scrofula, and decoction of "seeds" for dyspepsia (indigestion) and as a diaphoretic. An infusion of flowers, an infusion of "berries" and leaves is used for gargling with sore throats. The juice of "berries" is a good cosmetic tool for the destruction of acne on the face.

Methods of usage

1. 10 g of viburnum bark boil in 1 glass of water, insist for 2 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

2. 1 tablespoon of "berries" viburnum insists 2 hours in 1 glass of boiling water, strain. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals.

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