Sagan-dalya - original caffeine free energizing herb tea
Sagan-dalya - original caffeine free energizing herb tea

Sagan-dalya - original caffeine free energizing herb tea


Rhododendron Adamsii is a shrub that remains green all year round. It reaches fifty centimeters in height. It is valued in medicine for its countless useful properties. The teas, tinctures, ointments prepare by flowers as well as by leaves, which in their structure are dense and elongated with matte shades. The blossoms are most often pink in colour with white accents and are connected in small clusters.

The plant can be found in many regions: the Altai region, the Baikal region and the Far East of Russia. Also rare, but observed in Mongolia and Tibet at the foot of the mountains. The leaves often have a light coating (white), which gave rise to the name "white wing". The Bush grows well in stony places (near mountains). In Buryatia, the Rhododendron Adamsii is very popular and has been used for medicinal purposes by shamans for a long time.

The shrub is considered rare. Collection is limited in Buryatia. But its relevance and effectiveness threaten to disappear completely. Preparations are made when the plant blooms (June-August). Drying occurs naturally, away from moisture and sunlight.

Health benefits

Tibetan medicine has described unique properties and warnings in its ancient treatises. Shamans from Buryatia have known about the healing potential of the plant since ancient times, so they actively used it in practice and everyday life. The Sagan-Dali was used not only for healing, but also for ritual purposes (calling rain, scaring away evil spirits, increasing the harvest, and so on). In many peoples, this inflorescence is the personification of life and long years. To the beneficial properties can be attributed:

- Oxidation retarder;
- Against viruses and infections;
- Tones the body;
- Supports the immune system;
- Antibacterial agent;
- Against infection;
- Normalization of pressure;
- Withdrawal of urine;
- Against inflammation;
- Promotes adaptation;
- Anti-Allergy agent;
- it has a positive effect on the heart.

All these advantages are related to the chemical composition, which contains: tannins, oils, acids, and so on. The Rhododendron Adamsii is widely used in the treatment of many ailments, even the most serious. The herb strengthens the walls of blood vessels, activates the heart and improves blood pressure. The herb is also used for problems with the kidneys and urinary system. It removes the excess, pulverise stones formed in the kidneys, and relieves swelling. It helps with inflammation in the liver, diarrhoea. It has a positive effect on the stomach and restores the digestive system.

The herb is often used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory medicine, especially for SARS and flu. It is also taken for preventive purposes. Tea and decoctions perfectly cope with depression, nervous diseases, lethargy, insomnia, and so on. Toning, increases performance, brain activity and memory. The Rhododendron Adamsii is used by men to fight prostatitis, to activate potency. The plant triggers an accelerated metabolism, so women often use it for weight loss. It improves blood pressure and emotional mood during the onset of menopause.

The athletes take it to increase their level of endurance, combat fatigue, and enhance stimulation. Cleansing the blood and liver from unnecessary trace elements is also one of the functions of the medicinal shrub. It is used for poisoning, allergic manifestations, relieves hangovers. Infusions are often used for rinsing the nose and throat, dentists treat the gums with them and anesthetize the process, and dermatologists use it to treat the skin for allergic reactions. The herb has a positive effect on wounds, provoking rapid healing. Poultice of its leaves relieve pain in the joints. Cosmetologists have adapted it as a means for rejuvenation. Masks that contain rhododendron Adams, remove puffiness and bags, make the skin elastic and elastic. In Oncology, the plant is included in the complex, used for prevention and recovery after chemotherapy, stabilizes the immune system.

The Rhododendron adamsii usage

Tea with Sagan-Dali

- take a few twigs of a dried plant (3-4 twigs);
- pour 0.5 l of boiling water;
- infuse for ten to fifteen minutes;
- filtration.

You should drink about one or two glass in the morning and when you are weak. Do not use at night, as there are failures in sleeping schedule.

Sagan-Dali infusion

- one spoonful of shoots with leaves;
- it is filled with 1 l of boiled water;
- infuse in a thermos for two hours;
- filtration.

Take it carefully, only one glass per day. It can increase blood pressure, worsen sleep, and excite the nerves. Ignoring contraindications is dangerous for your health.

Recommendations: the period of use – a month, then a break. Some recommend using it only when absolutely necessary. Grass can dry your mouth a little. The Sagan-Dali actively "diuretics", so you need to drink at least two liters of liquid a day to replenish the body's water balance. If side effects occur, stop taking it and consult a doctor.

Sagan-Dali alcohol tincture

- take a dried or fresh plant shoot with a leaf;
- filled with vodka or alcohol in tenfold size;
- infuse for seven days;
- filtration.

It is taken internally or for external treatment of damaged areas (wounds, ulcers, bruises). For intestinal ailments, viruses and neurosis, tincture is recommended to use.


Rhododendron Adamsii , like any medicine with healing properties, has contraindications that should not be ignored in any case. The tonic effect of the plant is not desirable for pregnant girls and children, since there is a threat of allergies, sleep problems, depression and neurosis.

The nervous system is quite shaky, and women in the position of the more so, so the use of Rhododendron Adamsii will have a negative impact on the psychosomatic state of the expectant mother. It is also undesirable to drink teas and decoctions when breastfeeding. An overdose or prolonged course can cause problems with the nervous system and digestion. Prolonged use may cause some addiction, and in the presence of chronic diseases, you should definitely consult with your doctor, who will examine and reasonably put forward a decision about taking the medicine.