A root-sprouting tree with a surface root system that forms a root growth. The roots are brown, whitish inside, fibrous. The trunk is thin, unbranched, with wrinkled bark and numerous large sharp spines. Leaves are long-stemmed, double-leafed, large, located on the top of the trunk whorl. Leaflets of compound leaves are oval, serrated. Petioles and petioles of leaves with thorns. The inflorescence is a spreading panicle. The flowers are small, yellowish-white, bisexual and staminate. Sepals and corolla petals five, stamens five. Pistil with five columns and a five-star ovary. Fruits are small, spherical, blue-black, berry-like. Seeds are elongated, light brown. Height 2 — 5 m.
The time of flowering. July-August. The fruit ripens in October.
Habitat. It grows in the undergrowth of mixed, broad-leaved and coniferous forests, often in clearings and clearings, singly, in small groups or in dense thickets.
The part used. The roots of 2-4 cm in diameter
The time of collection. Early spring and late autumn before frost.
Insufficiently studied. It is known that the roots contain substances of a glycosidic nature, as well as resins, phytosterols, saponins, essential oil, fatty acids, ascorbic acid, vitamins B1 and B2.
In folk and scientific medicine, tincture and root powder are used. Tincture is used as a tonic, stimulating and strengthening agent for physical and mental fatigue, reduced performance and General weakness of the body after severe diseases, sexual impotence, some nervous and mental diseases (neurosis, neurasthenia, psychasthenia, schizophrenia). Tincture of Aralia Manchu has been tested in clinics. It was found that it excites the Central nervous system and has a cardiotonic effect. The tincture is low-toxic and acts like a tincture of ginseng roots.
The tincture by the roots of aralia Manchu (Tinctura Araliae) is prepared 1: 5 (100 gr. root 500 gr. alcohol) on 70% alcohol. Transparent, amber-colored liquid with a pleasant smell. Assign 30-40 drops 2 times a day (in the morning and in the middle of the day) after meals for asthenic conditions, hypotension, etc.
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